Talking Musical Zombies and People of the Church with Christopher Shawn Shaw S12 Ep2

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Talking Musical Zombies and People of the Church with Christopher Shawn Shaw S12 Ep2
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When you meet a man who brings his talents to the table in so many varying ways and tops each time he brings something else, well then this is someone...
mostra másChristopher Shawn Shaw has directed many a film and we get to talk about our faves CHURCH PEOPLE with an All Star Cast and his newest venture into Musical Theatre, LIFLESS - A Zombie Musical!! plus we dipinto some of his other ventures he's done with Comedian Scott Wood (who's going to be on the show in March!)
Andy has our Random 9 List and I've got some Random iHeart News and other interesting tid bits of Randominity!
And we couldn't do this as well with out MRS A'S FAMOUS SALSA BUENA, RABBITINREDRADIO.COM, & Spreaker Prime & iHeart Radio & The Colonel with THE ADVISER facebook Group and our friends at Creative Clothing/Coatings!!
Autor | The Random Kristian Show |
Organización | Kristian Madsen |
Página web | - |
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