Talking Weird #92 Wisconsin Legends with Jeff Finup

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Talking Weird #92 Wisconsin Legends with Jeff Finup
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Jeff Finup is an author, researcher, explorer, and the creator of Badgerland Legends and co-host of the Wisconsin Legends Podcast. As a citizen historian and folklorist, he writes about the...
mostra másAs a citizen historian and folklorist, he writes about the people, places, and things that make Wisconsin legendary.
His latest book, WISCONSIN LEGENDS FOR KIDS, is now available here:
Jeff visits with Talking Weird to chat about the many legends and strange entities that haunt the Badger State: From the Beast of Bray Road and the Hodag, through strange paranormal vortexes and fairies, to pancake making aliens and spectral chickens! This is a fun and fast moving conversation.
Autor | Untold Radio Network |
Organización | Untold Radio AM Network |
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