Talking Weird #99 Paranormal Dogman with Eric Mintel

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Talking Weird #99 Paranormal Dogman with Eric Mintel
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Eric Mintel is a renowned jazz musician and paranormal investigator. For over 30 years, he has led the acclaimed Eric Mintel Quartet, performing at prestigious venues like the White House...
mostra másVisit the official Eric Mintel Investigates site:
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Eric's book - ERIC MINTEL INVESTIGATES CASEBOOK - is available here:
Eric visits with Talking Weird to chat about his investigations of Dogman entities - from the Beast of Bray Road to the Bryn Athyn Beast - as chronicled on his show ERIC MINTEL INVESTIGATES. He will also be talking about his other investigations into the paranormal, his Bigfoot investgations, and his brand new series PARANORMAL PICKERS.
This is going to be a fun and hair-raising show!
Autor | Untold Radio Network |
Organización | Untold Radio AM Network |
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