The Brett Davis Podcast with M Teresa Lawrence Ep 572

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The Brett Davis Podcast with M Teresa Lawrence Ep 572
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On June 29th, the nonprofit TRUENESS PROJECT will be hosting the largest gathering of people dressed as butterflies in history to promote world peace. It is her philosophy that TRUTH...
mostra másThe June 29th event is a worldwide event with the epicenter in Jackson, Wyoming. A representative from the Record Books will be in Jackson to confirm their results and theirm lead sponsor the LA Tribune will be there providing the Red Carpet Experience to all participants. The event will be livestreamed everywhere.
While all participants are encouraged to make and dress in their homemade butterfly outfits, (See guidelines on our website) the TRUENESS PROJECT will be distributing outfits at Davey Jackson field 115 N Jean St, Jackson, Wyoming from 9:30 to 10:45. We will have 500 butterfly outfits ready to distribute and will have outfits for children and babies.
Tables will be available for participants to make butterfly themed art and a DJ will be playing fun music for all to enjoy. We encourage individuals to bring a blanket to sit on and some water for personal comfort.
Autor | BLU Lapis Media |
Organización | IQ Podcasts |
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