The Cannoli Coach: Awaken, Challenge, Transform! w/ Andrew Teitelbaum | Episode 194

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The Cannoli Coach: Awaken, Challenge, Transform! w/ Andrew Teitelbaum | Episode 194
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Awaken, Challenge, Transform! Listen in as I speak with Andrew Teitelbaum, a Division I collegiate women’s rowing coach for thirty-one years, and now a coach with Built to Lead. The...
mostra másListen in as I speak with Andrew Teitelbaum, a Division I collegiate women’s rowing coach for thirty-one years, and now a coach with Built to Lead. The title of this episode is part of Built to Lead’s mission.
He shares the day his leadership perspective changed and talks about the importance of focusing on a framework for leadership.
A great conversation that focuses on the importance of leadership and teamwork, from the racing shell gliding across the water, to personal growth, and corporate leadership.
Andrew shares a quote he learned from a Navy seal that I truly love: “Leadership is accomplishing a task to a standard with consequences.”
Contact Info:
Autor | Kimberly Hambrick |
Organización | Kimberly Hambrick |
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