The Cannoli Coach: Get Up, Dress Up, Show Up w/Dori LaMarra Matkowski | Episode 190

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Get Up, Dress Up, Show Up Listen in as I speak with Dori LaMarra Matkowski. Dori has been a business entrepreneur since 1977. She has devoted her life to assisting...
mostra másListen in as I speak with Dori LaMarra Matkowski.
Dori has been a business entrepreneur since 1977. She has devoted her life to assisting people in achieving their dreams and developing their leadership abilities, all while incorporating the importance of Brain Health for an exceptional life.
She currently works with youth to help them better understand their brain health. Dori says, “I fixed my life from the inside out.” She is taking her experience and working with others.
Contact Info:
Facebook: Dori LaMarra Matkowski
Linkden: Dorlisa LaMarra
Autor | Kimberly Hambrick |
Organización | Kimberly Hambrick |
Página web | - |
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