!The Cannoli Coach: Unmask! w/ Wendy Burns | Episode 191

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Unmask! Listen in as I speak with Wendy Burns, a wife, mother, and grandmother who shares her belief in “The Power of Choice’ in our lives. Wendy talks about two...
mostra másListen in as I speak with Wendy Burns, a wife, mother, and grandmother who shares her belief in “The Power of Choice’ in our lives.
Wendy talks about two devastating moments, both on the same day, at age 13 that continued her forward toward the generational pattern of suicide in her family.
But she made a choice to instead focus on her journey of healing. Her second book, Unmask, Stop Hiding Start Living, provides us a resource to begin our journeys as well.
Wendy shares her pain and wisdom. This conversation truly impacted my heart.
Contact info:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wendy.burns.3304
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wendy-burns-a27a704b/
Autor | Kimberly Hambrick |
Organización | Kimberly Hambrick |
Página web | - |
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