
The Conspiracy Farm

10 de dic. de 2020 · 1h 22m 36s
The Conspiracy Farm

SWAPCAST - On this episode I chat with Jeffrey Wilson and Pat Miletich from The Conspiracy Farm about corona and the most recent shenanigans; the election and the potential fraud...

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On this episode I chat with Jeffrey Wilson and Pat Miletich from The Conspiracy Farm about corona and the most recent shenanigans; the election and the potential fraud perpetrated; and about conspiracy theory and how hard it is to keep the conspiracy interesting when real life is so f**kin weird right now! :)


You can find Jeff and Pat at their website https://theconspiracyfarm.com and on any and all podcast apps. All their episodes are on here as well as links to merch, videos, sponsor material and the content from 'That Podcast Network' including the MMA podcast 'Everything Combat'

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This podcast is supported by the generous donations of the wonderful folks over at Patreon. If you want to support the show and get exclusive content, ad-free episodes, access to live chats and private social media like Instagram and Discord and a whole load of other stuff click here http://bit.ly/TCG-Patreon

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