The Crystal Ball

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The Secret Kindergarten Radio Show for Kids is back! We tackle some problem situations, learn about bees, say some positive affirmations and read some Fairy Tales! Reading stories to young...
mostra másReading stories to young children is foundational and formative to their comprehension. Choosing old and original fairy tales is foundational and formative to understanding Natural Law. It is important to learn the symbolism and have reverence for the children and the old stories… spending time with young children and reading is key to creating a world without slavery. A world without slavery is Anarchism, it is a world without masters and therefore a world without slaves. Understanding the right way to behave, the difference between a Right and a Wrong is all there inside the fairy tales of old. They are still with us after thousands of years. Sequences of symbols spoken for the whole family to share, teach and learn from.
Hall, Manly P. (1973). Daily Words of Wisdom: A Calendar of Inspiring Thoughts. The Philosophical Research Society.
Raum, Elizabeth. (2018). Bees Build Beehives. Amicus Publishing.
Zipes, J. (Ed.) (2007). “The Crystal Ball”. Vintage Grimm: The Complete Fairy Tales. Vintage Classics.
Bed Tracks and Other Audio
Chill Relaxing Lo-Fi Hip Hop | Born by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by
“Save Me”, “Tibetan Bowls” & "Fragile Beauty" by Liborio Conti
The Secret Kindergarten is live every Saturday 2.00pm-3.00pm Eastern Time on Revolution Radio (Studio A):
Autor | Gino Volante |
Organización | Gino Volante |
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