
The Great Soccer Snag: Friendship & Fumbles

24 de ene. de 2024 · 13m 25s
The Great Soccer Snag: Friendship & Fumbles

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 37s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: The Great Soccer Snag: Friendship & Fumbles Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Vždy, keď sa vysvitne slnko a...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: The Great Soccer Snag: Friendship & Fumbles
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Vždy, keď sa vysvitne slnko a zčerstvie vzduch na tábore, deti vyrážajú von hrať futbal.
En: Whenever the sun shines and the fresh air invigorates the camp, the children head out to play soccer.

Sk: A tak sa stalo aj toto popoludnie.
En: And so it was this afternoon.

Sk: Ján, desaťročný chlapec s rozcuchanými vlasy, bežal po zelenej tráve a kopal do lopty s takou vervou, že sa zdalo, že celý svet sa točí len okolo futbalu.
En: Ján, a ten-year-old boy with disheveled hair, ran across the green grass and kicked the ball with such enthusiasm that it seemed like the whole world revolved around soccer.

Sk: Jánova najlepšia priateľka, Mária, sledovala jeho schopnosti s úsmevom, držiac si vlasy zaviazané do copu.
En: Ján's best friend, Mária, watched his skills with a smile, her hair tied back in a ponytail.

Sk: Neďaleko nich Peter, chlap so snami stať sa profesionálnym futbalistom, pridal svoju energiu do hry, prihrávajúc loptu, ako by boli na majstrovstvách sveta.
En: Nearby, Peter, a boy with dreams of becoming a professional soccer player, added his energy to the game, passing the ball as if they were in the World Cup.

Sk: Hra bola v plnom prúde, keď sa stalo niečo nečakané.
En: The game was in full swing when something unexpected happened.

Sk: Ján, srdcovo sa vrhnúc po lopte, urobil veľký skok, lenže dopadol zle.
En: Ján, heartily reaching for the ball, made a big jump, but landed badly.

Sk: Jeho noha sa ocitla v lukratívnej jamke na mieste, kde tráva už dlho nebola tak hustá.
En: His foot ended up in a treacherous hole where the grass hadn't been as dense for a long time.

Sk: "Auuu!
En: "Ouch!"

Sk: " vykríkol Ján, keď pocítil ostrú bolesť.
En: Ján cried out as he felt a sharp pain.

Sk: Mária a Peter okamžite prestali hrať a poprišli k nemu.
En: Mária and Peter immediately stopped playing and rushed to his side.

Sk: "Jano, si v poriadku?
En: "Are you okay, Ján?"

Sk: " spýtala sa Mária s obavami v hlase.
En: asked Mária, concern in her voice.

Sk: Peter, ktorý bol bližšie, sa pozrel na Jánovu nohu, ktorá visela v nepríjemnej polohe.
En: Peter, who was closer, looked at Ján's leg, which was hanging in an awkward position.

Sk: "Musíme ti pomôcť dostať nohu odtiaľ.
En: "We need to help you get your foot out of there."

Sk: "Napriek bolesti sa Ján snažil zachovať pokoj.
En: Despite the pain, Ján tried to remain calm.

Sk: "Skúste to pomaly," povedal s malým nádychom.
En: "Try it slowly," he said with a slight gasp.

Sk: Mária a Peter sa obaja chopili Jánovej nohy, snažiac sa ju opatrne dostať von, ale v tom momente sa Peter zakopol o nerovnosť a spolu s Máriou padli na trávu.
En: Both Mária and Peter grabbed Ján's leg, trying to carefully get it out, but at that moment, Peter tripped over a bump and both he and Mária fell to the ground.

Sk: Jánovi neostalo nič iné, len zašúchať sa od smiechu nad ich roztopašnou záchranou.
En: Ján had nothing left to do but chuckle at their clumsy rescue.

Sk: Tam, na futbalovom ihrisku v tábore, sa na chvíľku čas zastavil a vznikol úsmev na každej tvári.
En: There, on the soccer field at the camp, time stood still for a moment and a smile appeared on every face.

Sk: Netrvalo dlho a z nesťastnej situácie sa stala zábavná anekdota.
En: It didn't take long before the unfortunate situation turned into an amusing anecdote.

Sk: Deti v tábore mali totiž svojský zmysel pre humor a dokázali sa zasmiať aj napriek malým nepriaznivým udalostiam.
En: The children at the camp had a unique sense of humor and could laugh even in the face of minor setbacks.

Sk: Našťastie mal jeden z vedúcich tábora skúsenosti s prvej pomoci a keď prišiel na miesto, dovedel Jána opatrne uvoľniť z jamy.
En: Luckily, one of the camp leaders had experience in first aid and when they arrived, they were able to carefully release Ján from the hole.

Sk: Noha bola vyviazaná, ale našťastie nezlomená.
En: His leg was bruised, but fortunately not broken.

Sk: "Ty máš ale šťastie!
En: "You are lucky!"

Sk: " povedal vedúci s úsmevom.
En: said the leader with a smile.

Sk: Ján len pokrútil hlavou a s úľavou sa usmial.
En: Ján just shook his head and smiled with relief.

Sk: "Ďakujem, že ste mi pomohli," povedal kamarátom a vedúcemu.
En: "Thank you for helping me," he said to his friends and the leader.

Sk: Tak sa skončila odpoledná futbalová hra troch priateľov - smiechom, malou dobrodružstvom a pochopením, že niekedy aj futbal môže prilákať nečakáné prekážky.
En: And so ended the afternoon soccer game of three friends - with laughter, a little adventure, and an understanding that sometimes soccer can present unexpected obstacles.

Sk: Aj keď je noha v jamke, dôležité je držať spoločne a pomôcť jeden druhému.
En: Even when your foot is stuck in a hole, it's important to stick together and help each other.

Sk: A v tábore, kde zvezú sa deti zo všetkých kútov krajiny, to platí dvojnásobne.
En: And at a camp where children come from all corners of the country, this holds doubly true.

Vocabulary Words:
  • Whenever: Vždy
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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