The Importance of a Balanced and Holistic Approach to Genetic Improvement with Sally Martin

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Join us for another exciting episode of "Genetics in the Paddock with Emily" as we welcome Sally Martin, who is the Managing Director and Senior Consultant at SheepMetriX. In this...
mostra másSally offers her own insights around how to balance data with visual assessment when making important purchases and navigating the use of genetic technologies and tools available. This episode also covers some common challenges, as well as how the industry has advanced over time.
Come along to hear Sally's perspective sustainability, balanced selection, mulesing, genomics and more!. Whether you're a producer, a researcher, or simply want to hear more about Sally's experience in the sheep industry, this episode is packed with knowledge you won't want to miss!
This episode is produced by the Extensive Livestock Team within the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
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Autor | Emily Johnston |
Organización | Emily Johnston |
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