The Jay Young Show Episode 17 || Ladd Hirsch

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Ladd Hirsch is a solution-oriented trial attorney with more than 30 years experience representing companies and high net worth business clients in complex litigation cases and arbitration matters. Ladd is...
mostra másLadd has extensive experience prosecuting and defending complex business litigation matters, including disputes involving claims for breach of contract, business fraud, violations of fiduciary duties, breach of non-compete covenants, theft of trade secrets and business defamation. He has litigated claims arising in all of the following industries: real estate, manufacturing, oil and gas, healthcare, commercial lending, computer software and technology, construction, retail sales, insurance, multi-level marketing, beer distribution, food service, and video games.
Since the late 1990's, Ladd has focused a significant portion of his practice handling Business Divorce disputes and related litigation for majority owners and minority investors in substantial private Texas companies. In these Business Divorce matters, Ladd files and defends claims against fiduciaries (officers, directors, managers, general partners and trustees), including claims for breach of fiduciary duty, breach of the entity governance documents and shareholder derivative claims. In this Business Divorce practice, Ladd works together regularly with family law attorneys and their clients to assist them with a wide variety of business and complex property issues that arise in family law proceedings.
Ladd has tried cases to judgment in both state and federal courts, including federal courts located in New York and Chicago, and he has argued cases on appeal at both the state and federal levels in Texas. Throughout his career, Ladd has represented clients in business cases under hourly, contingent and hybrid fee arrangements. Ladd has also been retained in a number of matters by other attorneys to serve as an expert witness on the subject of recoverable legal fees.
#Lawyer #Business #Fiduciaries #Shareholders #BusinessDivorce
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