The Jesus of Mark's Gospel: Elevating a Man

29 de jul. de 2024 · 3m 26s
The Jesus of Mark's Gospel: Elevating a Man

Is Jesus the ‘‘Son of God’’ or is he ‘‘God, the Son’’? Is he divine or human or both? Is he the ‘‘human face of God’’ or the ‘‘God conscious...

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Is Jesus the ‘‘Son of God’’ or is he ‘‘God, the Son’’? Is he divine or human or both? Is he the ‘‘human face of God’’ or the ‘‘God conscious man’’? Over the centuries Christians have answered these questions in many ways. My own view is that one is a Christian if the person and life of Jesus of Nazareth is at the center of one’s life with God. Whether holding a low christology of Jesus, the man with divine qualities, or a high one of Jesus as God become man, Christians always focus on the one who for them is the central figure of human and divine history.
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Autor Robbert Veen
Organización Robbert Adrianus Veen
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