"The Little Man Who Ruled New Orleans: Uncovering the Reign of Carlos Marcello"

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"The Little Man Who Ruled New Orleans: Uncovering the Reign of Carlos Marcello"
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Step into the dark and compelling world of Carlos Marcello, the unassuming mafia boss who wielded immense power over New Orleans for decades. From petty crimes to controlling city politics,...
mostra más- (00:02) Carlos Marcello, despite lacking formal education, demonstrated a profound understanding of human behavior, securing immense power over corrupt systems including the state legislature and judicial system in New Orleans.
- (01:01) On November 22, 1963, Marcello was acquitted of deportation charges, allegedly influenced by his connection with a juror. This verdict came on the same day as the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, an event from which Marcello reportedly felt relief.
- (04:07) Marcello’s criminal activities began early, including a significant bank heist at age 19 and later ventures into more organized crime, aligning with local mafia figures and expanding into illegal gambling and drug trafficking.
- (14:32) Facing intense scrutiny from the law, particularly from Senator Estes Kefauver and later Robert Kennedy, Marcello often used his Fifth Amendment rights to avoid self-incrimination, despite various attempts to deport him due to his foreign-born status.
- (44:10) Marcello’s legal battles continued into his later years, including a conviction for conspiring to bribe a federal judge which was later overturned. He died naturally in 1993, leaving behind a legacy marked by his influence over organized crime and his discreet public persona.
Autor | Jolly West |
Organización | Gemini ♊️ key Productions |
Página web | - |
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