The Long Island Serial Killer: Former Homicide Prosecutor Matt Murphy Talks Rex Heuermann (10/2/23)

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The Long Island Serial Killer: Former Homicide Prosecutor Matt Murphy Talks Rex Heuermann (10/2/23)
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Rex Heuermann, the architect that has been accused of murdering three women and is the prime suspect in a fourth murder was very careful about his DNA transfering to his...
mostra másAccording to Murphy, he would not be surprised to find out as the investigation continues, that Rex Heuermann went to great lengths to try and avoid his DNA being found on the victims after their bodies were discovered.
In this episode we hear how Matt Murphy thinks he accomplished this and how the investigators plan to use DNA to convict Heuermann.
(commercial at 6:31)
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Gilgo Beach suspect Rex Heuermann ‘wore gown' like popular TV serial killer to 'avoid leaving DNA,' theorizes expert | The US Sun (
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