The Magical Element of Earth

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The Magical Element of Earth
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Charity Bedell discusses her book Divine Dirt + magical connection with various environments. Charity L. Bedell (Maine), also known as Loona Wynd, is the one of the coauthors of The...
mostra másCharity L. Bedell (Maine), also known as Loona Wynd, is the one of the coauthors of The Modern-Day Witch series and the Wiccapedia Spell Deck. She has studied conjure with Starr Casas and Feri with Veedub, and she is initiated in the Temple Tradition. Bedell has written for The Witches' Almanac and Kindred Spirit Magazine, and she has presented at festivals such as WitchCon2020. Her books Divine Dirt and Container Magic are out on Llewellyn Worldwide.
Host Bonnie Burkert melds the worlds of media and higher consciousness, sharing tools for transformation to find our highest truth and live our brightest life.
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Autor | The Paranormal Club |
Organización | Truth Be Told |
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