
The media covering only school shootings is Racist - TWSYF 130

29 de mar. de 2023 · 1h 15m 28s
The media covering only school shootings is Racist - TWSYF 130

Truth Will Set You Free - Episode 130 What happened in Nashville is a tragedy, and again the question is this a mental health issue or a gun issue, and...

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Truth Will Set You Free - Episode 130

What happened in Nashville is a tragedy, and again the question is this a mental health issue or a gun issue, and now what do we do now that it's a trans activist that did the targeted attack. Are Christians under attack, and does anyone in the Media care? Is there momentum in the conservative movement? It was a great show and I encourage you to share this episode out there as we had a lot of fun!

#truthwillsetyoufree #media #journalism #nashville #awakenotwoke #schoolshootings #news #masshooting #truth

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