The Murder Of Suzanne Morphew: A Timeline Of The Investigation (10/2/23)

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The Murder Of Suzanne Morphew: A Timeline Of The Investigation (10/2/23)
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Since the remains of Suzanne Morphew have been discovered there have been many questions about the circumstances surrounding her disappearance and suspected murder. In this episode, we are going to...
mostra más- Disappearance: Suzanne Morphew was reported missing on Mother's Day, May 10, 2020, after she went for a bike ride and did not return home. Her bicycle was found near a bridge, but there was no sign of Suzanne.
- Search Efforts: A massive search operation was launched involving law enforcement agencies, volunteers, and search and rescue teams. Helicopters, drones, and K-9 units were used in the search, but no significant leads or evidence were initially found.
- Investigation: Law enforcement agencies, including the Chaffee County Sheriff's Office and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, launched an investigation into Suzanne's disappearance.
- Public and Media Interest: The case gained widespread media attention, with many speculating about the circumstances of Suzanne's disappearance. Her family and friends
- Barry Morphew Is Arrested but the case is dropped without prejudice the day before the trial was supposed to start due to prosecutorial misconduct during discovery.
- Suzanne's remains are found in late September of 2023, reigniting calls for justice and an investigation.
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