The New Year – Part 4 – The USA (January 2017)

23 de mar. de 2017 · 11m 48s
The New Year – Part 4 – The USA (January 2017)

The USA In the previous three essays, I have examined the recent past, present and near future of Universal Astrological conditions, (what are termed “transits to transits"), that form the...

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The USA In the previous three essays, I have examined the recent past, present and near future of Universal Astrological conditions, (what are termed “transits to transits"), that form the overall Energy-Forms prevailing during any particular period of time. In this essay, I will provide some analysis of the more important transits and significant features of the Charts of the USA. In the following essay I will examine the chart and transits for Donald Trump. The repeated alignments of a particular planet to a feature in any chart will always exhibit a specific quality. But the exact nature of the experience will change depending upon what other astrological aspects are in effect for that chart, combined with the influences formed by the general astrological conditions that are also in effect. The most important transit in the chart of the USA for 2016 was the Square of Uranus to the USA Mercury. The circuit of Uranus around the zodiac takes approximately 84 years, so that Uranus will form a “hard” aspect to Mercury in any chart every 21 years or so. Moreover, the interpretation of these effects will vary with the exact type of contact (Conjunction, Waxing Square, Opposition or Waning Square). The current cycle of Uranus to the USA Mercury began with the conjunction of 1954-55, leading to the waxing square of 1973-74, arriving at the opposition of 1994, and finally to the waning square of 2016-17. Every time this contact occurs, the thought-forms and the forms of communication in the USA are shook up and transformed. But in terms of the same moment in this cycle, (the waning square), the last occurrences were in 1933-34 and 1849-50...
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Autor Bill Attride
Organización William Attride
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