The New Year – Part 5 – Donald Trump (January 2017)

23 de mar. de 2017 · 9m 54s
The New Year – Part 5 – Donald Trump  (January 2017)

Donald Trump When we consider the Astrology chart of an individual, there are so many factors to consider, (planets, signs, houses, aspects and aspect patterns), that it can seem quite...

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Donald Trump When we consider the Astrology chart of an individual, there are so many factors to consider, (planets, signs, houses, aspects and aspect patterns), that it can seem quite overwhelming as to how to proceed. I have found it most useful to start from an overview of the entire chart and then proceed to slowly discern the various interlaced energy-forms that the chart contains.    First, we should step back and take the whole chart in. After all, an astrological chart is a Sky Map, a picture of the planetary positions, as seen from a specific place on the Earth, on a certain day and time. We are looking at the heavens above, so let’s step back and take it all in to discern the overall message of the chart. What we will find is that astrological charts fall into certain types of patterns, which provides this first sense of meaning for the chart. The pattern of Donald Trump’s chart is called a Bowl or Hemispheric pattern, with all planets lined up on one side of the chart, and the other half remaining open or empty. This bowl pattern implies a great degree of self-containment. Here is a soul that is moved or affected more by external circumstances than by internal factors. He has a strong sense of mission, a sense that he possesses something (the filled bowl), and that he lacks or needs something, (the empty space). He will be driven, purposeful and feel he has a destiny to fulfill...
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Autor Bill Attride
Organización William Attride
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