The Richard Syrett Show - June 22, 2022 - Does CPC Need to Become More Woke?, University Bans Students from STEM, & Single-Use Plastic Bags

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Today on the Richard Syrett Show: Tom Quiggin & Marc Patrone, Hosts of the “Quiggin Report” & “Marc Patrone Show” comment on the RCMP commissioner using the mass shooting to...
mostra másDaniel Bordman, senior contributor for the National Telegraph discusses if the Conservative Party needs to get more “woke” in order to defeat the Liberals in the next election. President of Color Us United, Kenny Xu elaborates on a major university barring white and asian students from STEM programs.
Sue-Ann Levy, journalist for the True North Contributor elaborates on Toronto hotel shelter policies wreaking havoc on residents. Then John Robson, an author at the National Post on using single-use plastic bags for your garbage but not for your groceries.
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