The Secret To Getting Great Clients in your Business

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Today, I discuss salon business marketing, how to market a salon business, and how to get more salon clients. This is part two and three of the messaging magic workshop....
mostra másSalon business marketing is very crucial. It's not enough to just provide a good service and hope that the clients will come to you. You need to take steps and put in efforts into marketing your salon to make sure that your name is known and that people know where you are located. There are many ways in which you can market your salon, including social media, search engine optimization, social media advertising, offline advertising such as print ads or flyers etc.
When it comes to salon business marketing, a potential customer or client who is confused will never buys your product or service. In my 35 years of practicing business, I found one thing to be true. No matter what you're doing, no matter what you're selling, no matter what type of service it is, keep it simple. People only want one specific outcome at a time. When things became super clear and I honed in, I laser focused, I really targeted what the ONE specific thing that they were going get by working with me, and this made sales explode. I know you're all multi-passionate and I know you have so much to offer, but at the end of the day, people want one result, and you really have to make it clear - what is that one specific outcome that clients are gonna get working with you, or what is the client going to get if they buy your product or service.
So remember, remember - benefits sell. You have to make them understand clearly what they're going to get. If you enjoyed today’s video about salon business marketing, how to market a salon business, and how to get more salon clients, please remember to like, share, subscribe and leave a comment if you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback. We hope to see you here again soon!
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#salonbusiness #salonmarketing #salonmarketingtip
Autor | Maria Fontana |
Organización | Maria Fontana |
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