The Statue Mix-Up: An Amusing Belgrade Tale

The Statue Mix-Up: An Amusing Belgrade Tale
17 de feb. de 2024 · 15m 56s

Fluent Fiction - Serbian: The Statue Mix-Up: An Amusing Belgrade Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sr: Bio jednom jedan momak imenom Miloš,...

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Fluent Fiction - Serbian: The Statue Mix-Up: An Amusing Belgrade Tale
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Story Transcript:

Sr: Bio jednom jedan momak imenom Miloš, koji je živeo u uzbudljivom i dinamičnom gradu Beogradu.
En: Once upon a time, there was a young man named Miloš who lived in the exciting and dynamic city of Belgrade.

Sr: Beograd je poznat po svom prelepom rečnom ostrvu, vibrirajućem noćnom životu i živopisnom Kalemegdanu.
En: Belgrade is known for its beautiful river island, vibrant nightlife, and the picturesque Kalemegdan fortress.

Sr: Jednog sunčanog popodneva, Miloš je šetao po Trgu Republike, mestu gde Beograđani vole da se okupljaju, sastaju i uživaju u umetnosti.
En: One sunny afternoon, Miloš was walking in Republic Square, a place where Belgraders like to gather, meet, and enjoy art.

Sr: S njim su bili njegova prijateljica Ana i brat Stefan.
En: He was accompanied by his friend Ana and his brother Stefan.

Sr: Trg je bio prepun ljudi, uličnih svirača i turista.
En: The square was bustling with people, street musicians, and tourists.

Sr: Dok su se smejali i pričali, Miloš je iznenada spazio nešto neobično.
En: While laughing and chatting, Miloš suddenly spotted something unusual.

Sr: Na klupi je sedela osoba koja je izgledala kao da duboko razmišlja.
En: There was a person sitting on a bench, appearing deep in thought.

Sr: Bila je potpuno mirna, nepokretna i obučena u stilu starih vremena.
En: They were completely still, dressed in old-fashioned attire.

Sr: Miloš, koji je bio poznat kao neko ko lako započinje razgovore čak i s nepoznatima, odluči da priđe.
En: Miloš, known for striking up conversations even with strangers, decided to approach.

Sr: "Zdravo," reče Miloš, ne primetivši da je figura ustvari statua, a ne stvarna osoba.
En: "Hello," said Miloš, not realizing that the figure was actually a statue, not a real person.

Sr: "Kako se danas osećaš?
En: "How are you feeling today?"

Sr: "Ana i Stefan su se začudili Miloševoj smelosti i čudili se što im se 'novi poznanik' ne odaziva.
En: Ana and Stefan were amazed by Miloš's boldness and amused that their 'new acquaintance' didn't respond.

Sr: Iako su u početku bili zbunjeni, nisu mogli da zadrže smeh kada su shvatili šta se dešava.
En: Although initially confused, they couldn't help but laugh when they realized what was happening.

Sr: "Ha, ha, Miloše, razgovaraš sa kamenom!
En: "Haha, Miloš, you're talking to a stone!"

Sr: " našalila se Ana, pokazujući na figuru.
En: Ana teased, pointing at the figure.

Sr: Stefan se takođe počeo smejati.
En: Stefan also started laughing.

Sr: "Mislim da ti se ta dama neće javiti, brate!
En: "I don't think that lady will respond to you, buddy!"

Sr: "Miloš se brzo osvrnu oko sebe i shvatio svoju grešku.
En: Miloš quickly looked around and realized his mistake.

Sr: Njegovo lice počelo je da crveni dok su prolaznici počeli da se smeju, gledajući kako neko razgovara sa statuom.
En: His face began to turn red as onlookers started laughing, seeing someone talking to a statue.

Sr: Ali, Miloš je bio duhovit momak i brzo se oporavio.
En: But Miloš was a witty guy and quickly recovered.

Sr: "Ah, pa to je bio test pažnje za vas dvoje – da vidim da li pratite šta se oko nas događa!
En: "Ah, it was a test of attention for you two - to see if you're aware of what's happening around us!"

Sr: " rekao je Miloš, praveći se da je sve bio deo njegovog plana.
En: Miloš said, pretending that it was all part of his plan.

Sr: Ana i Stefan se nisu dali prevariti, ali su cenili Milošev pokušaj da ispravi stvar.
En: Ana and Stefan weren't fooled, but they appreciated Miloš's attempt to make things right.

Sr: Zajedno su se šetali dalje po Trgu, smejući se i pričajući o smiješnim trenucima koji ih spajaju kao prijatelje.
En: They continued to walk around the square, laughing and talking about funny moments that bonded them as friends.

Sr: Kako je popodne odmicalo, njihovo veselo društvo postala je priča koju su delili sa svima.
En: As the afternoon passed, their merry company became a story they shared with everyone.

Sr: Staračka figura na klupi je postala njihov unutrašnji vic, simbol nezaboravnog dana u koje su proveli zajedno u bučnom i lepom Beogradu.
En: The elderly figure on the bench became their inside joke, a symbol of the unforgettable day they spent together in the lively and beautiful city of Belgrade.

Sr: Do kraja dana, Miloš je naučio da ne sve što izgleda živo zaista i jeste, a Ana i Stefan su imali novu anegdotu kojom će zabavljati svoje prijatelje.
En: By the end of the day, Miloš had learned that not everything that appears alive really is, and Ana and Stefan had a new anecdote to entertain their friends with.

Sr: Od tog dana, svaki put kada bi prošli pored trga i statue, podsetili bi se Miloševe zabune i smeškali se u znak prisnog prijateljstva i zajedničkih doživljaja koji su ih još više zbližili.
En: From that day on, every time they passed by the square and the statue, they were reminded of Miloš's mix-up and smiled as a sign of their close friendship and shared experiences that brought them even closer.

Vocabulary Words:
  • dynamic: dinamičan
  • beloved: voljen
  • bustling: užurban
  • amazed: začuđen
  • boldness: smelost
  • figure: figura
  • witty: duhovit
  • bonded: povezan
  • anecdote: anegdota
  • approach: prići
  • unusual: neobično
  • laughter: smeh
  • realize: shvatiti
  • mistake: greška
  • attention: pažnja
  • pretend: praviti se
  • confused: zbunjen
  • amused: zabavljen
  • acquaintance: poznanik
  • unforgettable: nezaboravan
  • inside joke: unutrašnji vic
  • mix-up: zabuna
  • merry: vesel
  • experiences: doživljaji
  • companionship: druženje
  • statue: statua
  • reminded: podsetiti
  • sign: znak
  • surroundings: okolina
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