
The United States Senate And Their Investigation Into Leon Black's Finances (4/18/24)

18 de abr. de 2024 · 13m 19s
The United States Senate And Their Investigation Into Leon Black's Finances (4/18/24)

Leon Black is on the come back circuit after his recent interview with Puck where he attempted to explain his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein with nothing more than an aww...

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Leon Black is on the come back circuit after his recent interview with Puck where he attempted to explain his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein with nothing more than an aww shucks and a shrug of the shoulders.   

In this episode, we get an update on the senate and their investigation into Leon Black's finances and transactions involving Jeffrey Epstein and see if any progress has been made.

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Lawmakers Question Bank of America About Leon Black’s Payments to Epstein - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
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Autor Bobby Capucci
Organización Bobby Capucci
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