#ThePeoplesWeekly April 26th, 2019

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The Peoples Weekly April 26th, 2019 talking about current events and news of the week. 1) A leader of white supremacist organization named Larry Mitchell Hopkins was arrested by another...
mostra más1) A leader of white supremacist organization named Larry Mitchell Hopkins was arrested by another white supremacist terror organization (called the FBI) for kidnapping and terrorizing people at gunpoint while impersonating border patrol (gestapo) agents. While we're happy to announce someone kicked his old white ass in jail, breaking his ribs. The sad part is, that this is nothing new, this is not just a Maga thing, it has been going on over a decade, groups like NSM, KKK, tea-party, Minutemen have all gone to the Border to hunt and or kill undocumented immigrants and in most cases have had the full support of border patrol while attempting to carry out their crimes and atrocities towards immigrants.
2) Over 10 years ago, in 2004 the FBI released a report that stated that white supremacist groups were infiltrating all branches of law enforcement and military. Many of us had witnessed this taking place in real time as cops do everything in their power, to protect nazis and attack anti-fascist protesters. A few weeks back information was released showing correspondence between Portland Police and local hate groups, where cops are online in private chat rooms showing their full support to white supremacist groups. Even before this report, numerous police have been caught with white supremacy tattoos, and as we all know, cops traditionally protect white supremacist and attack anyone who opposes them. What can be done to stop this horrible tradition once and for all?
3) A few weeks ago, we talked about three historical black churches in Louisiana that were set on fire by the nazi son of a cop. The media seemed to gloss over this, and most people either didn't know about it, or didn't seem to care. Last week the Notre Dame Cathedral was burned down by an accidental fire and it's been constant mainstream news, a group of billionaires came together to raise 700 billion dollars in one day to rebuild it.
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