This 35-year-old mom built a side hustle that brings in $240,000 a month: ‘I only work 4 hours a day now’

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In Part 1 Eric talks about Katelyn and how she developed an amazing business giving her more time to enjoy her family and the life we all deserve. In 2008,...
mostra másIn 2008, Katelyn started a photography side hustle from her dorm room. Her goal was to become a professional photographer. She says, "It wasn’t easy, especially at the height of the recession, but I’m glad I never gave up".Today, at 35, Katelyn is a self-made millionaire and runs a wedding photography and education business, Katelyn James Photography. With her husband Michael, who joined as Chief Financial Officer in 2013, they've helped more than 100,000 people learn about photography.
In 2022, they brought in about $240,000 a month in revenue — 80% of which she put back into the business. Roughly $230,000 of their monthly revenue was passive income from online courses and training materials.She only works four hours a day now, and shoots about four weddings a year.
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