This Week's Digest: We have some news!

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It’s a quick digest today, folx! We’re excited to announce some changes to our current format and hope these changes make it easier for you to listen at your convenience....
mostra más•We are no longer breaking up longer episodes into more than one part. We’ll post the whole conversation, and you decide how much you want to listen to at one time.
•Our “digests” (reflections on conversations with guests) will be wrapped into each episode rather than being posted separately.
•We’ll be posting one episode each Saturday to streamline our process (starting next Saturday!).
We have some really exciting guests coming up, including Kristie Amadio (check out her TEDx Talk here:; Jennifer Hicks, a NIA instructor; Jason Shiers, who has worked with eating disorders and substance use disorder; Kelly Davidson, a HAES dietitian; JL Keez, an author and recovery coach; Vance Goodman, a poet and chaplain; and many more.
As always, let us know your thoughts. What would you like to hear more about? What episodes have moved you? How can we best support you in your recovery journey? We are here to help you, and we want to get to know you.
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Organización | MHNRN |
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