Toledo Rotary Club

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September 9th, 2019 Rotary will be on the Road at Road at the Stranahan Theater. Please RSVP! Rotary brings together people like you — leaders from all cultures and occupations...
mostra másRotary brings together people like you — leaders from all cultures and occupations who want to use their distinct expertise for the greater good. People whose sense of responsibility inspires them to give back to their communities. Who step forward to tackle the toughest challenges — and persevere to create lasting change in communities around the world.
Together, we empower youth, improve health, promote peace, and advance our communities in all corners of the globe.
With 1.2 million members worldwide, our global community’s impact has never been greater — and it continues to grow.
When Rotarians come together and commit to a cause, like our PolioPlus initiative, the magnitude of our impact is clear. And with the ongoing support of Rotarians like you, we will continue the fight to End Polio Now.
In June 2018, Rotary’s Board of Directors and Trustees approved a new vision statement for the organization:
“Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.”
The new vision statement helps us set a future course so that Rotary can thrive in the years ahead. It reflects the impact Rotary aspires to have on the world and our members.
Want to join or find more info on the Toledo Rotary Club visit
Autor | 1370 WSPD (WSPD-AM) |
Organización | iHeartRadio |
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