Tony Geftos- Heart Shaped Pox

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What a great idea and book. Here is some info on the book "The Heart Shaped Pox" from the author himself Tony Geftos. February 14, 2001. I came down with...
mostra másFebruary 14, 2001.
I came down with a severe case of chicken pox. As an adult.
I was 24 years old and working full time as a television journalist.
More than anything, I wanted to do something special for my sweetheart.
But I was running a fever upwards of 103F.
I was too sick to move. So, I started writing. By that evening, I had written what could only be described as an adult children’s book. The Heart-Shaped Pox. It‘s an epic Sonnet.
And it worked! 3 months later, I proposed. My sweetheart and I are married and living happily ever after. Only a few of our closest friends and family members know about The Heart-Shaped Pox.
Until now.
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