True Crime: The Court of Public Opinion - Murder or Self-Defense - Anthony Landry

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True Crime: The Court of Public Opinion - Murder or Self-Defense - Anthony Landry
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True Crime: The Court of Public Opinion - Murder or Self-Defense - Anthony Landry In this gripping episode of True Crime: The Court of Public Opinion, we explore the case...
mostra másIn this gripping episode of True Crime: The Court of Public Opinion, we explore the case of Anthony Landry, a man whose claim of self-defense is questioned after a deadly altercation at a Houston McDonald’s. When a dispute over a refund spiraled out of control, Landry left the scene only to return armed.
What followed was a fatal confrontation that left attorney Jeffrey Limmer dead. Was this a clear-cut case of self-defense or did Landry take justice into his own hands?
Join Alexis Knight as we delve into the facts, the courtroom drama, and the divided public reaction in this intense episode.
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