"Underworld Prime Minister: The Frank Costello Chronicles Part 1"

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"Underworld Prime Minister: The Frank Costello Chronicles Part 1"
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Dive into the secretive life of Frank Costello, the real Godfather who ruled the underworld with a mix of charm and political savvy, influencing not just mobsters but mayors and...
mostra más- (00:00-00:34) The character Vito Corleone from "The Godfather Saga" is inspired by real Mafia godfathers like Carlo Gambino, known for his discreet lifestyle, and Joseph Bonanno, who advised his son against following in his footsteps.
- (01:06-01:41) Frank Costello is highlighted as the real-life counterpart to Don Vito Corleone due to their similar influences in political realms and aversion to drug trafficking, earning Costello the nickname "the Prime Minister of the Underworld."
- (01:41-02:14) Frank Costello was a pivotal Mafia figure in New York during the 1940s and '50s, with significant political influence, ensuring no one could rise in power without his endorsement.
- (02:50-03:22) The biography of Frank Costello details his rise through the ranks of the Mafia following the expulsion of his ally Lucky Luciano from the U.S., highlighting his strategic and business acumen.
- (07:41-08:39) The personal history of Frank Costello is explored, beginning with his birth in Italy in 1891, his immigration to America, and his early life of poverty in East Harlem, New York.
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