"Undoing the Doer" Online Retreat: "Lucy" Movie Session with David, Jason, and Svava

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http://livingmiracles.org/events David presents the "Lucy" movie from an Awakened state of mind, sharing profound spiritual insights. This is the third session of the first Awakening from the Dream online retreat...
mostra másDavid presents the "Lucy" movie from an Awakened state of mind, sharing profound spiritual insights. This is the third session of the first Awakening from the Dream online retreat in 2019, hosted by David Hoffmeister, Jason Warwick, and Svava. The theme is: "Undoing the Doer - Living a Life of True Inspiration."
Opening song "Paint The Sky with Colours" written by Svava and performed by The Final Vision—Svava, Emily, Melissa, and Lilo.
To learn more about upcoming online retreats, click on the link below:
Recorded on January 5, 2019, at La Quinta del Sol in Chapala, Mexico.
Autor | David Hoffmeister ACIM Teacher |
Organización | David Hoffmeister ACIM Teacher |
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