Unlock Your Quantum Intelligence with Kim Chestney

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Unlock Your Quantum Intelligence with Kim Chestney
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Air Date - 28 May 2024 Have you ever known, felt, or sensed something that defies rational explanation? Have you ever wondered how your intuition is able to know things...
mostra másHave you ever known, felt, or sensed something that defies rational explanation? Have you ever wondered how your intuition is able to know things that should be impossible to know? In this inspiring conversation renowned intuition expert Kim Chestney will draw on the latest findings in quantum physics to present a multidimensional exploration of the whole spectrum of intuitive experience — from everyday occurrences such as hunches and gut feelings to “impossible” phenomena such as telepathy, remote viewing, and precognition.
About the Guest:
Kim Chestney is the author of The Illumination Code, Radical Intuition, and The Psychic Workshop. As the founder of IntuitionLab and the CREATE! Festival, her work raises awareness about the importance of insight in the evolution of individual and world consciousness. Working for nearly twenty years in the tech sector, Chestney has led initiatives with some of the top thought leaders, technology companies, and universities in the world.
Social Media:
Website: https://www.intuition-lab.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Intuition_Lab
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KimChestneyAuthor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/intuition.lab/
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