Unmasking the Devil: Kevin Sullivan’s Shoot Untold Wrestling Journey with Steve Corino

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Unmasking the Devil: Kevin Sullivan’s Shoot Untold Wrestling Journey with Steve Corino
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Join us for an exclusive and captivating shoot interview as ECW legend Steve Corino sits down with the enigmatic and influential Kevin Sullivan. With a career spanning several decades and...
mostra másIn this in-depth conversation, Sullivan delves into his beginnings, inspired by the great Eddie Graham, and his close friendship with Eddie's son, Michael Graham. He reminisces about his time wrestling alongside icons like Dusty Rhodes, Mark Lewin (Purple Haze), King Curtis, Luna Vachon, and Bob Roop. Sullivan also slightly touches upon personal stories about his marriage to Nancy and her tragic end, and her subsequent marriage to Chris Benoit.
As the mastermind behind some of the most memorable storylines, including Brian Pillman's "Loose Cannon" run and the revolutionary NWO angle in WCW, Sullivan's insights into booking and storytelling are invaluable. Discover how he convinced Hulk Hogan to turn heel, sparking the Attitude Era and leading WCW to victory over WWF in the ratings for two years.
This interview is a must-listen for wrestling fans eager to explore the intricate details of wrestling history and the mind of one of its greatest bookers.
Early Wrestling Inspiration: Kevin Sullivan fell in love with wrestling at the age of eight after watching it on television and started imagining himself as a professional wrestler, even booking imaginary matches where he would win.
Dislike for the Term 'Mark': Sullivan expressed his dislike for the term 'Mark' used within the wrestling community because it belittles fans, including himself, who genuinely appreciate the athleticism and storytelling in wrestling.
Mafia Mentality in Wrestling: Sullivan discussed the mafia-like mentality in wrestling during his time, where wrestlers would fiercely protect their territories and retaliate against those who tried to undermine them.
Booking Challenges and Strategies: As a booker, Sullivan faced challenges in maintaining the credibility of wrestlers like Goldberg and managing storylines in WCW, including controversial decisions like not using baseball bats in certain storylines.
Influence and Legacy: Sullivan acknowledged his influences from the Sheik and emphasized the importance of believability in wrestling, stating that many successful wrestlers, including himself, borrowed elements from the Sheik's style.
Autor | Jolly West |
Organización | Gemini ♊️ key Productions |
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