Veronica LIVE with Chairman Christian Ziegler, Superintendent Bill Husfelt & CEO Gordon Sumners

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Newly elected Chairman Christian Ziegler joined VERONICA LIVE to discuss his plans for leading the Republican Party of Florida. He discussed how Florida is preparing for 2024. He also talked...
mostra másSuperintendent Bill Husfelt joined VERONICA LIVE to discuss his upcoming retirement and 40 years in the education business. Riveting interview with one of Bay County's leaders.
President & CEO Gordon Sumner of Veterans Moving Forward, a nonprofit that works to provide service and emotional support dogs to veterans dealing with physical or mental challenges joined VERONICA LIVE to discuss the important work he is leading assisting veterans. Veterans Moving Forward works to improve the lives of veterans with these highly trained service and companion dogs. Check out the nonprofit's website too at:
And of course we talk politics too!
Autor | Veronica LIVE |
Organización | Veronica Live |
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