Vulnerability in Motherhood

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Vulnerability in Motherhood
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In this episode of 'Keep Expecting Miracles', hosts Ilissa and Jessica explore the themes of vulnerability, community support, and the journey of self-discovery in motherhood. They share personal stories about...
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00:00 Introduction and Reflections on Time
02:55 Experiential Events and Personal Connections
06:08 Navigating Emotions and Seeking Confirmation
08:58 The Importance of Vulnerability in Motherhood
12:02 The Journey of Self-Discovery and Acceptance
14:52 The Role of Community and Support
17:56 Recognizing and Accepting Help
20:55 The Impact of Motherhood on Mental Health
24:02 The Power of Reflection and Growth
26:58 Creating a Supportive Environment
29:59 The Ongoing Journey of Motherhood and Self-Care
36:58 Navigating Vulnerability and Support
44:13 Understanding Postpartum Depression
45:37 Listener Manifestations and Positive Energy
51:19 The Healing Power of Sage
01:01:33 Witchy Traditions and Cultural Practices
01:10:09 Finalizing the Outro and Social Media Presence
Autor | Ilissa and Jessica |
Organización | Ilissa and Jessica |
Página web | - |
Etiquetas |
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