WATERSHED | On Location | Episode 112

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WATERSHED | On Location | Episode 112
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LIVE FROM WATERSHED! Well, kind of. We tried something new on the second leg of the #TPPSummer festival tour. This episode includes on location answers from Shedders in the Big...
mostra másWell, kind of. We tried something new on the second leg of the #TPPSummer festival tour. This episode includes on location answers from Shedders in the Big Rig campground. Special guests like the Golden Voice, Brian O'Connell (BOC), and Andrew the Speedo guy stop by to share their answers to the first and final four! Ty is joined by the TPP business manager, Kayla as they both answer the questions too!
25% off Farmjam Tickets - linktr.ee/radioguyty
Music - Jesse Quandt
Voice Over - J. Gwinn
Host - Ty Pisani
Sounds - ZapSp
Autor | Tee Party Podcast |
Organización | Tee Party Podcast |
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