Week 3 Reactions

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Week 3 Reactions
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On this week’s Razzball Fantasy Football Podcast, Rudy and B_Don cover the happenings from week 3. We discuss the Panthers showing signs of life under the Red Rifle, Andy Dalton....
mostra másAfter hot starts to the season, both Baker Mayfield and Derek Carr cooled off in week 3. Are they back to what we thought they were or have they shown us more? Meanwhile in Tampa Bay, we look at the RB room and try to decipher what’s going on there. Anthony Richardson’s fantasy points have cut in half each week, and we have to ask if he’s worth starting moving forward? We cover a bunch of split RB rooms in Seattle, Cleveland, Detroit, Green Bay, and Kansas City before we wrap up the show with A$$hole of the Week.
Autor | Grey Albright |
Organización | Grey Albright |
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