
What LIES Ahead

29 de dic. de 2024 · 3h 34m 44s
What LIES Ahead

On this episode, https://www.spreaker.com/the-boiler-room/ is joined by https://www.spreaker.com/author/ruckus/ https://x.com/InfidelPharaoh https://x.com/Geopolitics_Emp (https://geopoliticsandempire.com/), https://x.com/JohnnyVedmore (https://newspaste.com/), https://x.com/SimonFromFlori2 and a brief appearance by Daniel Spaulding for the final Boiler Room of 2024. How can...

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On this episode, Hesher is joined by Ruckus, Infidel Pharaoh, Hrvoje Morić (Geopolitics and Empire), Johnny Vedmore (News Paste), Simon from Florida and a brief appearance by Daniel Spaulding for the final Boiler Room of 2024.

How can we sum up the year 2024, what is all the hype and schism on X over H 1-B visas, has the Technocrat Bro right split off from the MAGA right, how much of this is a case of bait and switch, what geopolitical and techoncratic chess pieces are making big moves quietly in the background of all this hype, will there be a "North American Union," why is UnitedHealth CEO suspected murderer receiving money fame and fortune from his jail cell, is X truly a free speech platform and a place of "new journalism," can the American educational system's implosive descent be reversed and made great again or is it too late... These are the questions we are asking on this last Boiler Room of 2024. Oh, and how about them weight loss drugs?! All this and more... on this episode of Boiler Room!

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Autor Alternate Current Radio
Organización Alternate Current Radio
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