What Makes Ryan Horton's Music Testimony So EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL?

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What Makes Ryan Horton's Music Testimony So EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL?
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Discover why Ryan Horton's music testimony is so emotionally powerful. From worship to gospel music, his songs touch hearts and inspire listeners to connect with their faith on a deeper...
mostra másWatch more Podcasts here-https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHsY6G4_7Jq_7JyC9g39b9KdaPKtW1JWf Join Jeff Adams as he welcomes worship leader Ryan Horton to the Kingdom Influence Podcast. Ryan shares his unique experiences of combining street evangelism with music, from the subways of New York City to the streets of Los Angeles during the Grammy Awards. Listen to fascinating stories, including unforgettable worship moments, humorous encounters, and heartfelt testimonies of how the presence of God is transforming lives. Discover Ryan's insights into the future of worship, ministry, and the importance of staying true to one’s calling. Don't miss this episode filled with laughter, spiritual wisdom, and powerful messages.
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