Why Fast Food Trips After Chugging 4 Whiskey Bottles Is a Bad Idea

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Why Fast Food Trips After Chugging 4 Whiskey Bottles Is a Bad Idea
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Why Fast Food Trips After Chugging 4 Whiskey Bottles Is a Bad Idea A New Mexico man allegedly indulged himself in bourbon whiskey before heading to the local Whataburger fast...
mostra másA New Mexico man allegedly indulged himself in bourbon whiskey before heading to the local Whataburger fast food joint for a quick meal. When he arrived, he had trouble deciding what to eat and fell asleep in the drive-thru instead of ordering. What happened next left the responding officer saying Alfredo Alvidrez was the “most intoxicated guy” he’d seen behind the wheel, bodycam footage shows. Alvidrez was arrested for driving while intoxicated — his fifth DWI charge in the last decade. He pleaded not guilty and was granted bail pending the outcome of his case.
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