Will Selecting for Lower Methane Emissions in Livestock Lower Productivity? With Professor Julius Van der Werf

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Join us for another exciting episode of "Genetics in the Paddock with Emily" as we welcome Professor Julius van der Werf, a Professor in Animal Breeding and Genetics at University...
mostra másJulius offers unique international insights in the sustainability space and highlights the importance of several projects in the work that will give producers the option to lower the methane output of their ruminant livestock. He also answers the question of, will selecting for methane lower productivity? This episode also dives into the highlights of Julius's great and extensive career in both research and teaching.
Come along to hear Julius's insights on sustainability, genomics, climate change and other important topics in the livestock space. Whether you're a producer, a researcher, or simply curious about Julius's teachings, this episode is packed with knowledge you won't want to miss!
This episode is produced by the Extensive Livestock Team within the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
To provide feedback, comments, suggestions for future topics or guest speakers you'd like to hear from, please email: emily.johnston@dpi.nsw.gov.au.
This information is for informative and educational purposes only and does not constitute advice.
Links related to this episode:
Low Methane Beef project: https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/dpi/about-us/research-and-development/projects/animals/low-methane-beef-project
Low Methane Sheep project: https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/dpi/about-us/research-and-development/projects/animals/low-methane-sheep-lms
Autor | Emily Johnston |
Organización | Emily Johnston |
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