Winter’s Challenge: Arno & Lize’s Table Mountain Adventure
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Winter’s Challenge: Arno & Lize’s Table Mountain Adventure
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Winter’s Challenge: Arno & Lize’s Table Mountain Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Af: Arno en Lize se groot...
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Story Transcript:
Af: Arno en Lize se groot avontuur begin vroeg in die oggend.
En: Arno and Lize's grand adventure begins early in the morning.
Af: Die lug is koel en mistig, en die klank van die see vul die stiltes.
En: The air is cool and misty, and the sound of the sea fills the silences.
Af: Dit is winter in Kaapstad, en hulle is op pad na Tafelberg.
En: It is winter in Cape Town, and they are on their way to Table Mountain.
Af: Arno dra sy kamera trots oor sy skouer.
En: Arno carries his camera proudly over his shoulder.
Af: Hy is vol opwinding.
En: He is full of excitement.
Af: Lize het 'n rugsak met water en kos.
En: Lize has a backpack with water and food.
Af: Sy kyk na die kaarte en pluk warm handskoene aan.
En: She looks at the maps and puts on warm gloves.
Af: "Ons moet vroeg begin," sê Arno, "Ek wil die sonsopkoms van die top af afneem.
En: "We need to start early," says Arno, "I want to capture the sunrise from the top."
Af: "Lize kyk na die wolke wat onder in die dal dryf.
En: Lize looks at the clouds drifting in the valley below.
Af: "Ons moet versigtig wees," waarsku sy.
En: "We need to be careful," she warns.
Af: "Die paadjies is glad in die winter.
En: "The paths are slippery in winter."
Af: "Daar is 'n stil verstandhouding tussen hulle.
En: There is a quiet understanding between them.
Af: Arno is altyd optimisties, terwyl Lize elke moontlike gevaar oorweeg.
En: Arno is always optimistic, while Lize considers every possible danger.
Af: Maar vandag het sy 'n doelwit: sy wil die seldsame blom, die Silwerboom, sien.
En: But today she has a goal: she wants to see the rare flower, the Silver Tree.
Af: Sy het daarvan gelees en dit is net hier op Tafelberg.
En: She has read about it and it is only found here on Table Mountain.
Af: Die eerste deel van die roete is maklik.
En: The first part of the route is easy.
Af: Die paaie is goed gemerk en die uitsig oor Kaapstad is pragtig.
En: The paths are well marked and the view over Cape Town is beautiful.
Af: Die son begin stadig opkom, vul die lug met sagte lig.
En: The sun slowly starts to rise, filling the sky with soft light.
Af: "As ons aanhou, sal ons betyds bo wees," sê Arno.
En: "If we keep going, we'll be at the top in time," says Arno.
Af: Ure gaan verby.
En: Hours pass.
Af: Die pad word steiler en die weer begin verander.
En: The path becomes steeper and the weather starts to change.
Af: 'n Koue wind waai, en die berg is nou met ys bedek.
En: A cold wind blows, and the mountain is now covered in ice.
Af: Lize stap agter Arno aan, haar asem wolke in die koue lug.
En: Lize walks behind Arno, her breath forming clouds in the cold air.
Af: "Ons moet dalk omdraai," sê sy.
En: "We might have to turn back," she says.
Af: "Ek kan dit regkry," sê Arno.
En: "I can make it," says Arno.
Af: Hy laat hom nie maklik afskrik nie.
En: He is not easily deterred.
Af: Maar Lize is bekommerd oor die weer en die tyd wat hulle al gestap het.
En: But Lize is worried about the weather and the time they have already been hiking.
Af: Skielik, net voor hulle die kruin bereik, begin sneeu val.
En: Suddenly, just before they reach the peak, it begins to snow.
Af: Die storm slaan skielik toe.
En: The storm hits suddenly.
Af: Arno sukkel om sy kamera te beskerm en Lize kry dit moeilik om te bly staan op die gladde paadjie.
En: Arno struggles to protect his camera and Lize finds it difficult to stay upright on the slippery path.
Af: "Dit is te gevaarlik," sê Lize beslis.
En: "It's too dangerous," Lize says firmly.
Af: "Ons moet skuiling kry.
En: "We need to find shelter."
Af: "Arno kyk rond en sien 'n klein grot in die bergwand.
En: Arno looks around and sees a small cave in the mountainside.
Af: Hulle haas hulleself daarheen, veg teen die sneeu en wind.
En: They hurry towards it, battling against the snow and wind.
Af: Binne is dit donker, maar hulle is ten minste beskerm teen die storm.
En: Inside, it is dark, but at least they are protected from the storm.
Af: Arno se hande bewe van die koue en frustrasie.
En: Arno's hands shake from the cold and frustration.
Af: "Ek wou die foto hê," sê hy sag.
En: "I wanted that photo," he says softly.
Af: Maar Lize vat sy hand en kyk hom in die oë.
En: But Lize takes his hand and looks him in the eyes.
Af: "Dit is nie altyd die doel wat tel nie.
En: "It's not always the goal that matters.
Af: Kyk waar ons is.
En: Look where we are.
Af: Ons het dit amper gemaak, maar ons het ons veiligheid nodig.
En: We almost made it, but we need our safety."
Af: "In die grot, teen die koue klipmure, dink Arno oor haar woorde.
En: In the cave, against the cold stone walls, Arno thinks about her words.
Af: Hy besef dat hy meer na Lize se raad moes luister.
En: He realizes he should have listened more to Lize's advice.
Af: Sy was reg al die tyd.
En: She was right all along.
Af: Die storm bedaar stadig, maar hulle besluit om terug te keer.
En: The storm slowly subsides, but they decide to turn back.
Af: Die blom, die sonsopkoms, die piek—dit kan alles wag.
En: The flower, the sunrise, the peak—they can all wait.
Af: Later, terug in die warm kafee êrens onder in die stad, deel hulle 'n koppie warm sjokolade.
En: Later, back in the warm cafe somewhere below in the city, they share a cup of hot chocolate.
Af: Arno glimlag, nie meer oor sy gemiste kans bekommerd nie.
En: Arno smiles, no longer worried about his missed chance.
Af: Hy verstaan nou die waarde van die pad en die persoon saam met hom.
En: He now understands the value of the journey and the person with him.
Af: Lize sit effens nader.
En: Lize sits a bit closer.
Af: Sy voel trots op haarself vir die besluit wat sy geneem het.
En: She feels proud of herself for the decision she made.
Af: Sy weet nou dat sy sterker is as wat sy gedink het.
En: She now knows she is stronger than she thought.
Af: "Ons sal weer probeer, Arno," sê sy.
En: "We will try again, Arno," she says.
Af: "Maar volgende keer sal ons beter voorberei wees.
En: "But next time we'll be better prepared."
Af: "Arno knik.
En: Arno nods.
Af: "Ja, volgende keer.
En: "Yes, next time."
Af: "En so leer hulle beide die waarde van geduld en oorleg.
En: And so they both learn the value of patience and deliberation.
Af: Hulle onthou dat soms, die grootste oorwinning lê in die reis self, en nie die bestemming nie.
En: They remember that sometimes, the greatest victory lies in the journey itself, and not the destination.
Vocabulary Words:
- adventure: avontuur
- misty: mistig
- captured: afgeneem
- drifting: dryf
- valley: dal
- slippery: glad
- understanding: verstandhouding
- optimistic: optimisties
- possible: moontlike
- consider: oorweeg
- rare: seldsame
- marked: gemerk
- steeper: steiler
- bitterly: beslis
- deterred: afskrik
- subside: bedaar
- cover: bedek
- straightforward: maklik
- understand: verstaan
- goal: doel
- possible: moontlike
- danger: gevaar
- blossom: blom
- smooth: gladde
- sheltered: beskerm
- frustration: frustrasie
- patience: geduld
- deliberation: oorleg
- victory: oorwinning
- destination: bestemming
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Organización | Kameron Kilchrist |
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