Woman Arrested for Possession After Smoking and Activating Motel Fire Alarm

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Woman Arrested for Possession After Smoking and Activating Motel Fire Alarm
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Woman Arrested for Possession After Smoking and Activating Motel Fire Alarm Around 7:04 PM on February 24, 2023, officers with the East Windsor Police Department responded to Motel 6 on...
mostra másAround 7:04 PM on February 24, 2023, officers with the East Windsor Police Department responded to Motel 6 on Route 33 for an activated fire alarm. Their investigation revealed that a motel patron was smoking and activated the alarm. As the officers made contact with the suspect, later identified as 34-year-old Danielle Piscak, she initially provided them with false information regarding her identity.
It was determined that there was an outstanding warrant for her arrest from another jurisdiction. She was also in possession of prohibited items in her motel room. Based on her being in possession of prohibited items and the outstanding warrant for her arrest, Officer Michael Whalen placed Danielle under arrest.
After Danielle was arrested, her motel room was searched. Danielle was transported to the East Windsor Police Department for further processing. At police HQ, Danielle was searched in more detail by a female officer and eventually released pending her court appearance.
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