
🌍💥 World Governments Collapse While We Shop ⚠️ 2025 | Really Karel

5 de dic. de 2024 · 29m 59s
🌍💥 World Governments Collapse While We Shop ⚠️ 2025 | Really Karel

🌍💥 World Governments Collapse While We Shop ⚠️ 2025 | Really Karel   Karel Cast 24-174 South Korea is thrown in to chaos with a President declaring, then parliament rescinding, martial...

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🌍💥 World Governments Collapse While We Shop ⚠️ 2025 | Really Karel  
Karel Cast 24-174
South Korea is thrown in to chaos with a President declaring, then parliament rescinding, martial law. Now, he’s being impeached. France throws out their Prime Minister and cabinet over a budget he pushed through. And how do we react, by shopping of course!
How much money does it take to be successful in America. And what’s the definition of such? A new report has some shocking figures, and not all of them about how much money you make.
You won’t believe the most shocking thing I said on social media this week, if you go by the comments. No, really, you won’t believe it.
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 👉 @ReallyKarel  

collapse of world government, government collapse, collapse of government, french government collapse, france government collapse, government collapse france, collapse of western government, french government collapses, france government collapse explained, collapse of world order, is the world on the brink of collapse? economic collapse, us dollar collapse, financial collapse, countries that could collapse in 2024,government,how to collapse america, donald trump, Current Affairs, latest news, News Analysis, world news, Social Issues, Consumerism, Crisis Management, Government Failures, Social Commentary, canada news, Apocalypse, soviet union, Political Commentary, Economic Collapse, Global Economy, Economic Downturn, Modern Society, Global Crisis, full documentary, 

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