Worry Is An Addiction

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Wow! On this special episode of Imperfect Strangers, we sit down with Kelley Wolf, life coach and author of FLOW Finding Love Over Worry to discuss Dolly Parton, the power...
mostra másExhale.
Also, on this episode be sure to listen to the ad about our party celebrating the milestone of hitting 100 episodes! And now for some paragraphs about how great YOU are, stranger-friends.
Really though! Can you believe this podcast is 100 episodes old? Thank you for joining us and helping us to grow and get here.
Every week, you’ve tuned in. Listened all the way to the end like bad asses. Downloaded. Reviewed. Told your friends. Joined our Patreon. Made friends in our Discord. And because of you we have this wonderful community.
Melissa and Amanda started off as strangers and through the course of 100 episodes have learned enough about each other to take this thing to the next level — a friendship.
Even if it’s silly discussions about body odor or hamsters (also an odor) or important talks about boundaries, parenting, marriage, race or politics, you’ve been there from the beginning.
Every week! Every Live. Every online Zoom party, you’ve shown up.
This has been so very cool and rewarding. Fun, educational, emotional - all that.
If you don’t know this yet, we’re saying it again. YOU are the best and we thank you for your listenership, your support, your insights, your jokes, your community.
Now that’s enough feelings for now.
Go! Listen to this new episode with the lovely Kelley and have a great weekend!
Autor | Imperfect Strangers |
Organización | Imperfect Strangers |
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