XZRS: J Allan Danelek - UFO Over Jerusalem

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PUBLISHED WORKS Mystery of Reincarnation* (Llewellyn Worldwide, 2005; now available through iUniverse.) The Case for Ghosts (Llewellyn Worldwide, 2006. Out of print.) Lessons from Atlantis (Llewellyn Worldwide, April, 2008. Out...
mostra másMystery of Reincarnation* (Llewellyn Worldwide, 2005; now available through iUniverse.)
The Case for Ghosts
(Llewellyn Worldwide, 2006. Out of print.)
Lessons from Atlantis (Llewellyn Worldwide,
April, 2008. Out of print.)
UFOs: The Great Debate (Llewellyn Worldwide, December, 2008. Out of print.)
2012: Extinction or Utopia (Llewellyn Worldwide, November, 2009, Our of print.)
The Great Airship of 1897 (Adventures Unlimited Press, November, 2009)
The Case for Reincarnation (Llewellyn Worldwide, June, 2010. Out of print.)
Phantoms of the Skies (Adventures Unlimited Press, May, 2011)
Serpente Gigante (Dragonstrike Press, December, 2012)
Nightman (Dragonstrike Press, May, 2013)
Dragon Soldiers (Dragonstrike Press, December, 2013)
Friend of God (Fifth Estate Press, December, 2013)
For Your Listening Pleasure for these Lockdown / Stay-At-Home COVID and Variants Times - For all the radio shows available on The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network visit - https://www.spreaker.com/user/xzoneradiotv.
Our radio shows archives and programming include: A Different Perspective with Kevin Randle; Alien Cosmic Expo Lecture Series; Alien Worlds Radio Show; America's Soul Doctor with Ken Unger; Back in Control Radio Show with Dr. David Hanscom, MD; Connecting with Coincidence with Dr. Bernard Beitman, MD; Dick Tracy; Dimension X; Exploring Tomorrow Radio Show; Flash Gordon; Imagine More Success Radio Show with Syndee Hendricks and Thomas Hydes; Jet Jungle Radio Show; Journey Into Space; Know the Name with Sharon Lynn Wyeth; Lux Radio Theatre - Classic Old Time Radio; Mission Evolution with Gwilda Wiyaka; Paranormal StakeOut with Larry Lawson; Ray Bradbury - Tales Of The Bizarre; Sci Fi Radio Show; Seek Reality with Roberta Grimes; Space Patrol; Stairway to Heaven with Gwilda Wiyaka; The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell; Two Good To Be True with Justina Marsh and Peter Marsh; and many other!
That’s The ‘X’ Zone Broadcast Network Shows and Archives - https://www.spreaker.com/user/xzoneradiotv
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