XZRS: Jim Dilettoso - The Phoenix Lights and Billy Meier UFOs

26 de may. de 2021 · 57m 54s
XZRS: Jim Dilettoso - The Phoenix Lights and Billy Meier UFOs

Jim Dilettoso has over 100 projects and 20 years experience in CAD engineering and communications installation. He was one of the early pioneers in Computer Aided Design systems with experience...

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Jim Dilettoso has over 100 projects and 20 years experience in CAD engineering and communications installation. He was one of the early pioneers in Computer Aided Design systems with experience in systems design and application engineering. He was a founder of the Arizona State University Computer Institute and served as it's CAD and AI Director from 1984 to 1989. While in that post he also served as the NASA Industrial Application Center Technology Director. Clients included Allied-Signal, Taliesan Associates and the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, where he served as CAD advisor to Dr.Joseph Rourke. Other CAD and Tele-Communications clients included Ramada Inns, Allison Turbine Engine, Holmes Shopping Center Development Group and the 1984 Olympics. Jim is currently on the Board of the CAD Institute and the University of A.C.T. In the 1970's and 80's Mr. Dilettoso produced major events for music and sports. He has Designed or Produced over 1000 music concerts including major tours for the Moody Blues and Journey, including all phases of staging, electrical, rigging, lighting, sound, and special effects. He has experience in managing all levels of stage unions, box-office, and security. In 1983 he was the site planner for the US Festival in San Bernadino, Ca. which was attended by over 500,000 people. In addition, he has designed and built production centers for television and film production. Clients include American Film Technology where Mr. Dilettoso directed the technology development of B&W Movie Colorization as well as the design and implementation of the facilities in Arizona and California. Since 1990, Mr.Dilettoso has been a leading expert in the deployment of Digital Communications including ATM, and ISDN. He has designed systems that have been employed by TRW, Sprint , USWEST, CNN, PacificBell, and Cray Computers in both the computer room and networks. Feature Films such as Lost in Space and Titanic have used Mr.Dilettoso's Animation and Rendering Technology to create realistic scenes and buildings. This Technology can be employed for realsitic walk-throughs and simulations of projects "to be built" by Bozarth CM. Recent technology and facility projects with Bozarth CM include PAXTON of Ottawa, Canada and their Patented Movies-On-Demand technology; Nebraska Educational TeleCommunications and their new Digital Storage facility and American Medical Technology and a new medical data facility in Cairo, Egypt. These projects are typical of Jim's ability to oversee both the technology and facility logistics of companies whose product is very advanced technology.

For Your Listening Pleasure all the radio shows available on The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network with our compliments, visit - https://www.spreaker.com/user/xzoneradiotv.

Our radio shows archives and programming include: A Different Perspective with Kevin Randle; Alien Cosmic Expo Lecture Series; Alien Worlds Radio Show; America's Soul Doctor with Ken Unger; Back in Control Radio Show with Dr. David Hanscom, MD; Connecting with Coincidence with Dr. Bernard Beitman, MD; Dick Tracy; Dimension X; Exploring Tomorrow Radio Show; Flash Gordon; Imagine More Success Radio Show with Syndee Hendricks and Thomas Hydes; Jet Jungle Radio Show; Journey Into Space; Know the Name with Sharon Lynn Wyeth; Lux Radio Theatre - Classic Old Time Radio; Mission Evolution with Gwilda Wiyaka; Paranormal StakeOut with Larry Lawson; Ray Bradbury - Tales Of The Bizarre; Sci Fi Radio Show; Seek Reality with Roberta Grimes; Space Patrol; Stairway to Heaven with Gwilda Wiyaka; The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell; Two Good To Be True with Justina Marsh and Peter Marsh; and many other!

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