Year 18, Episode 27

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Year 18, Episode 27
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Original Release Date: Monday 11 November 2024 Description: Dean is back from Japan. He will speak about his trip on this week's show. Phil is grieving the death of his...
mostra másDescription: Dean is back from Japan. He will speak about his trip on this week's show. Phil is grieving the death of his sister. He has some thoughts about her and about grief and about two wishes he has that he will share. If you would like to read about Phil's sister, he included a tribute to her influence on him in “Haunted”, the most recent essay he published for his The Voice of Los Feliz Substack ( Dean and Phil will discuss a wild grab bag of other topics as well, including the city of Glendale, California, improv comedy shows, the ongoing brilliance of "The Simpsons" and the enduring (and growing?) legacy of the British filmmaking team The Archers (Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger). Finally, a lightning round of quizzes for Dean will comprise this week's "Celebrity Deaths".
Autor | The Federation |
Organización | The Federation |
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