Year 18, Episode 28

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Year 18, Episode 28
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Original Release Date: Monday 18 November 2024 Description: Dean flies into Los Angeles. Phil picks him up at LAX. You get into the back seat. Highway adventured and high fidelity...
mostra másDescription: Dean flies into Los Angeles. Phil picks him up at LAX. You get into the back seat. Highway adventured and high fidelity hijinks ensue! The first two-thirds of this week’s show are recorded during Dean & Phil’s drive to downtown L.A. as they discuss Dean’s upcoming two-man improv show, his future performing plans, his prolific productivity as a fine artist, how his life would be different if he still lived in Los Angeles, raunchy historic romance novels, the origins of Vaudeville, and more. After a short musical interlude, the conversation continues from “high atop the historic core of downtown Los Angeles” in the “art deco masterpiece that IS the Eastern-Columbia Building”. The final third of the show touches on such topics as the aurora borealis, Dean’s upcoming European steampunk wedding, and the influence of the great British director Michael Powell on the life and work of Martin Scorsese. Finally, in “Celebrity Deaths”, Dean and Phil celebrate the brilliance of Quincy Jones. There are a couple great Frank Sinatra stories to boot!
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